Winter Series #3 – Postponed until March – date tba
Sadly, the weather forecast for Sunday has taken a sudden and dramatic turn for the worse, with overnight temperatures set to drop to -1, and the strong winds gusting to 44mph appearing earlier than expected at 1pm. We have made the decision to postponed Winter Series#3 (again) until March when the weather is hopefully more reliable.
Other than the obvious safety concerns, one of our main aims is for you to enjoy riding with us at our events. We wouldn’t ride in that and we don’t expect you to.
We have worked so hard to reschedule this and are absolutely gutted to have to make this call so late. We spent today signing the route, packing the trailer and delivering food to the drink stop. At 3pm today, the forecast still looked like we had a decent window to complete the ride.
If you prefer, this event also has the option to ride it virtually – anywhere (indoors or out) any time (preferably before the end of March). Just email me evidence of a 25 or 50 mile ride (Strava screenshot is perfect, though any evidence will do) and I will get your medal to you via Royal Mail.
Kindest regards
Helen, Neil and the TPR team