Designed for lower powered road oriented cars or race cars. Ideal first entry into the sport ideally suited to owner-run cars. Plenty of cars to choose from for as little as £3-5000 plus standard Caterhan 270R and most Caterham Graduate cars.
Class Highlights
Up to 149 bhp at flywheel
Tyres List 1A or 1B of any size
No engine size, ECU or suspension or induction restriction*
Typical Cars: Various ex-Academy Caterham’s, Lotus 7, Locosts etc
Class B - 150-199 bhp
Designed for mid powered track-day cars or race cars. Ideally suited to standard class race cars or previous championship cars that have been driver or team modified. Many drivers consider this to be the best compromise between power to weight and running costs with lap times that would ahem cars many times the value to buy and run. Plenty of cars to choose from for as little as £1oK plus standard Caterhan 310R, 420R etc
Class Highlights
Up to 199 bhp at flywheel
Tyres List 1A, 1B or 1C of any size (Slick tyres moves car up to Class C)
No engine size, gearbox, ECU, suspension or induction restriction*
Typical Cars: Lotus 7, MK Cup 200, Caterhan 310R, 420R, R300, R400 etc, ProComp, LA Gold, Westfield Megablade etc
Class C - 200-249 bhp
This allows home developers to indulge in some gentle cam, induction and head tinkering to build the race car of their dreams that perhaps can not find a racing home elsewhere. Plenty of chassis manufacturers to choose from including MK, Westfield and Caterham.
Class Highlights
Up to 249 bhp at flywheel or lower BHP running on slicks/wets
Tyres List 1B, 1C or Slicks/Wets of any size
No engine size, gearbox, ECU, suspension or induction restriction*
Typical Cars: Race prepared and tuned Westfield, MK, Dax, GBS Zero and Caterhams
Class D - 250-299 bhp
Now we are getting more serious! Lots of opportunity for induction, engine, eco and chassis modifications. Plenty of chassis manufacturers to choose from including MK, Westfield and Caterham.
Class Highlights
Up to 249 bhp at flywheel
Tyres List 1B or 1C of any size including Slicks/Wets
No engine size, gearbox, ECU, suspension or induction restriction*
The class that’s allows you (or your entrusted team) to develop the fastest Seven-esque car in the world! Very little restrictions on development as long as you keep the silhouette of the Lotus 7 S3. Plenty of chassis manufacturers to choose from including MK, Westfield and Caterham.
Class Highlights
300 bhp and over at flywheel
Tyres List 1A, 1B or 1C of any size including Slicks and Wets
No engine size, gearbox, ECU, suspension or induction restriction
Typical Cars: Heavily modified and developed MK, Caterham, Westfield etc
*Forced induction cars will be individually accessed at time of registration.
2025 Racing and Technical Regs
Click here for MSVR All-Comers Regs
Technical Enquiry
We welcome cars of all manufactures that maintain the outline silhouette of the Lotus 7 S3 from the plan and side elevations. If you have a car not mentioned above or have a query with our class definitions then please get in touch and let’s chat!